wolfers world

The 5 Most Unfriendly Countries I Have Ever Visited

The Friendliest & Least Friendly Places I Have Visited Around the World

5 Love & Hates of Austria

The Love & Hates of Visiting Spain

What NOT to Do in France as a Tourist

My LEAST Favorite Place to Visit

How American Tourists Die Abroad

5 Love & Hates of Lisbon, Portugal

The FRIENDLIEST Countries I Have Visited

Barcelona - 10 Things That Shock Tourists about Barcelona, Spain

Mistakes American Tourists Make in Greece - Don't Do This in Greece!

The Cheapest & Most Expensive Travel Destinations

London Tourist Mistakes All 1st Time Visitors Make

Most Overtouristed Cities in Europe #overtourism

My 5 Favorite Spots in Italy

12 French Phrases Every Tourist to France Needs to Know

Tourist Scams of London

Nice - 5 Love & Hates of Visiting Nice, France

Bordeaux: The Don'ts of Visiting Bordeaux, France

Healthy Food vs Unhealthy Food, What is the Best? Wolfoo Learns Healthy Food Choices | Wolfoo Family

Switzerland: The Don'ts of Visiting Switzerland

Visit Seattle - 5 Things You Will LOVE and HATE about Seattle Washington

Montreal - The Don'ts of Visiting Montreal

Our Favorite & Least Favorite Airports